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為什麼晶圓翹曲(warpage)導致後續可靠度問題,近期發生頻率這麼高呢?主要的原因來自於越來越多廠商在開發先進製程的晶片,而先這些進製程晶片是由非常多不同材質、不同功能的晶片層層堆疊起來,例如 MCM 多晶片模組、系統級封裝與 Fan-in/Fan-out 等,這樣的元件使用的材料相當複雜且多元,堆疊在一起時,因各層的材質本身熱膨脹係數不同(CTE)就會產生翹曲(warpage) 。


除了晶片元件本身會發生翹曲(warpage)外,晶片透過表面黏著技術(SMT)結合到電路板時,因晶片與電路板 CTE 不同,翹曲(warpage)的狀況就會加劇。而當翹曲超過一定的幅度,就會造成 SMT 的焊接品質不良,也影響後續的可靠度測試結果。如何妥善安排這些溫度特性不同的材料依序堆疊,在加熱與散熱時不會互相影響,是相當嚴苛的技術挑戰。晶化科技獨家研發的晶圓翹曲調控膜提供最佳的解決方案,可以調控各種封裝後翹曲程度, 以利後續RDL製程。


In Fan-Out process, biggest challenge is Warpage because it can be showstopper in FO processing if mismanaged. Especially for HD FO where finer RDLs, more devices (more stress CTE mismatch), bigger package sizes, and more RDL layers are needed. These will all result in severe warpage and hence die drift and yield loss.

Solutions for Warpage:
-Process with a carrier. For example, TSMC inFO is Chip First Face Up process with a temporary carrier.
-Suppliers (Amkor with their SWIFT for instance chose to go “chip last”) can consequently not have the mold impacted by curing of dielectric films.
-Low temperature materials and processing capabilities (Low temp cure polymers etc.)

-Use warpage control film to solve warpage (Deca M series Fan-Out)






Wafer protection and Fan-Out Warpage Control solution




資料參考: Technews





